Skate Parks At 40-Something (And That's Not Km/Hour)
I have never been one to toe the line, I don’t like same-same or matchy-matchy and I am definitely not a clique kind of gal.
I do what makes my soul happy and, for the past 12 months, ramp skating has not only made my soul happy, it has made it sing - loudly!
Older & Wiser. Wait, What?
Photo & Cover Photo: Spiro
As a fresh visitor to skate parks (and being - just slightly, only a little, not much but more than enough - older than most people there) I have to say that I was very intimidated and anxious.
I had regular thoughts of, "WTF am I doing here?!"
I was also worried that I would make an utter clown of myself (bugger off self doubt!).
Thankfully, after nailing a couple of tricks, high-fiving a few of the scooter boys and receiving endless encouragement and support from my skate gals, my soul started to sing.
What Others Think
Photo: Spiro
At first, I was apprehensive telling people about my new pastime because skate parks haven't always had a great reputation.
Firstly, there’s still the stereotype of the skate park as the place for drugs, drinking, assaults, burnt out cars and bludgers.
Secondly, shouldn’t I be at a spin class, yoga or something tamer, like a lot of 40+ mummas?
Fortunately, most of my non-skating friends knew about my previous roller derby life so they didn’t even bat an eyelid.
They even like my Facebook and Instagram skate park posts so apparently it’s okay.
As for skate parks being dodgy, if a park doesn’t feel right on the day - I leave.
Learning the Lingo
I’m sorry, what’s that you speak?
Learning the language of the skate park can be as hard as physically doing the trick!
Half cab stall.
Box grind (different thoughts did run through my mind).
Backside air (pardon me).
The list goes on.
When someone runs them all together I feel like a tourist in a foreign country.
I just smile and nod and tell them to go first.
Happy Place
Photo: CJ Hawkins
My regular haunt is Bayswater Skate Park (aka Baysie).
This is my happy place.
When I’m rolling around there, the world is great and life is wonderful.
I am calm and relaxed; I feel confident, happy and strong.
I am outside in the fresh air, under beautiful blue skies and usually with an awesome bunch of like-minded peeps.
Chicks in Bowls Perth
I am super stoked to be a co-admin for the Perth chapter of Chicks in Bowls.
I'm looking forward to helping organise some regular meet ups and clinics for the year.
I would love to see you there!
Make sure you like the page Chicks in Bowls Perth or request to join the group.
Photo: Spiro
Need ramp skating gear for quads or looking for inspiration? Check out the skate park and ramp skating section here.
1 comment
As a 45+ dad who is just getting back into roller skating with his 9yo daughter I loved your story. It’s good to know I’m not the only “oldy” putting the skates back on :-)