Roller Derby: Popular Upgrades For Beginners
Just like any sport there's roller derby gear for beginner, intermediate and advanced skaters. Here's the most popular must-have upgrades for beginner derby players.
Just like any sport there's roller derby gear for beginner, intermediate and advanced skaters. Here's the most popular must-have upgrades for beginner derby players.
So you’ve decided to take up skating, the kind where you have wheels strapped to your feet. If you're buying your first pair of skates, you’ll need to know a few things first.
Skating: should I do it? Should I not? If you're struggling to decide we're here to help with our top 10 perks of roller skating and inline skating. If you're looking for a sign this is it (except it's a blog).
So you used to skate and you were really good. Or you saw people skating and it looked so easy. Then you got skates and you went outside or you went to the rink and, well… turns out you suck. Now what?
Off season is finished and the derby break is over. It’s time to get roller derby ready. But before you hit the track you need to get organised and check over everything in the ol' skate bag.