Top 10 Perks of Skating
Skating: should I do it? Should I not?
If you're struggling to decide we're here to help with our top 10 perks of roller skating and inline skating.
1. Fitness
Perhaps the most obvious one on the list.
Skating works your legs, butt and core.
It also helps to strengthen your ankles and stabilising muscles.
Long distance, uphill and speed skating is also great for cardio and stamina.
2. Friendship
Some people convince their friends to start a skate gang and other people find their skate gang on the streets or at the rink.
Check if there are any meet up groups in your area and join in.
It can be daunting at first but give it a go, skaters are a welcoming group.
Or go to your local rink, start classes and get to know the regulars.
Before long you'll be hanging out and making skate dates.
3. Freedom
Wind in your hair, wheels on your feet; skating feels like you're flying.
With the right wheels and some protective gear you can virtually skate anywhere.
No need for a gym membership, just strap in and off you go.
4. Feel Good
When you skate, your body releases chemicals called endorphins.
Endorphins trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine.
Who doesn't want that!?
Skating can be great for a bit of self care or to lift your spirits after a hard day.
5. Lockdown Friendly
A lot of sports and gym activities have been put on hold during Covid but skating has had a resurgence in popularity.
And here's why:
- It can be done alone or with others
- It can be done inside or outside
- You don't need a lot of room for some tricks
- There's a supportive online community and tutorials
- You can take online or Zoom classes
6. It Challenges You
Roller skating or blading challenges you.
You will never get to the point where you know everything and can do everything because skating is constantly evolving.
New tricks, moves and styles are popping up every day.
When you learn a new thing you have to push your boundaries.
You have to fail and suck at it before you succeed.
You have to fall sometimes and then get back up.
This pushes you to not give up and improves your grit.
7. Balance & Coordination
Skating requires balance and coordination and these skills are learned over time.
You will go from being a Wobbly Will to a Stable Mable with regular practice and dedication.
Start small and work your way up.
8. Creativity
Who knew there were so many accessories for skates!
Show some flair and your creative side with different laces, toe stops, toe guards, wheels, patches, pom poms and more.
9. Fame
Seeking internet stardom, Tiktok fame and more?
Strap on those skates and get filming.
Day 1/365: Got skates.
10. Confidence
Another muscle that skating builds is your confidence muscle.
Going from zero to hero gives you an inner glow and makes you feel pretty good.
Don't forget to film your journey so you can watch yourself improve over time.
Time on skates is all it takes.
So what are you waiting for?
Join the skating revolution!